14 Days Free Trial – UROKAY

Help I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up

We'll Call Your

Loved One

& You Can Enjoy

“Peace Of Mind”

CareCallingNow Logo Daily Safety Check In Call to make sure UROK

We'll Call Your

Loved One

& You Can Enjoy

“Peace Of Mind”


$0 FOR 14 DAYS!

Enjoy 14 days sampling of this incredible safety check-in phone call system.

Your mum or dad will receive an automated call every day for two weeks.

If they don’t answer after 3 attempts, you or a nominated person gets immediately notified.


Watch the short Channel 7 video below for full details.



Enjoy 14 days sampling of this incredible safety check-in system


This means your mum or dad can road-test our automated phone call check-in – and you can experience the peace of mind that our service delivers.

Enjoy Reassurance That Your Mum and/or Dad Are Okay

If your elderly parent is living alone, understandably you’re always worried about their well-being and if they are keeping up with medication and meals.

And you probably feel guilty at times when you have been busy and not gotten around to phoning your parent.

No need to feel guilty any more, because our automated daily call to them means that you’ll enjoy the comfort of knowing they’re safe.

Statistics show that many elderly people forget to wear their medical alert bracelet.

That’s why out check-in call is such a valuable tool for knowing that your loved one is okay.

Many elderly people living alone suffer unexpected falls – and if no one else is in the home, such people could be in real trouble.

By having our automated wellness phone-check, you’ll know if your loved one doesn’t answer the phone…..and therefore you can follow up your mum or dad.

Think of it as having your own “Guardian Angel” providing you with daily peace of mind.

Why Life Alert Doesn't Work 80% of Older Adults Who Fall and Have a Call Alarm Do Not Activate It 12-reasons-where-a-daily-care-call-will-help , If you have fallen and don't have your emergency button or worse still can't get to it then you will need carecallingnow safety check in call
The Benefits of Wearing a Medical Alert Personal Alarm Device in Australia: Promoting Safety and Peace of Mind Premature deaths report focuses on falls in care homes

Our Automated Daily Check-In Call Provides Comfort To Your Whole Family

This regular daily call could possibly be a

Watch This - WhiteBlue

As seen on

Interview Help I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up CareCallingNow for your peace of mind receiving daily safety call


The real-life story from a 4 Corners program in Australia

This is what happened when John Hayto had been living at Veronica Gardens Retirement Village in inner-city Melbourne since 1997

When slipped and fell 

He was there for 5 Days before being found

At the time of publishing the program on 4 Corners, he had been in HOSPITAL for 7 Months and …
You Would Not Want this to Happen to your Loved One

As seen on

Interview Help I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up CareCallingNow for your peace of mind receiving daily safety call
Help I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up

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