“Help I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up.” This is still the catch cry used for the Medical Alert industry. You will remember the Push Button device worn around the neck of your Mum or Grand Mum who was living at home alone.
“I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!” became a registered trademark of Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc. In June 2007, the phrase “Help I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!” also became a registered trademark of Life Alert. Both phrases are currently used on their website as well as in their commercials
Falls are still very much a major problem for seniors who want to remain safely in their own homes (Age in Place).

Where does your loved one put their Medical Safety Button when showering? Hopefully, they wear it in the shower and not hang it from the shower rose!
What is already known about this topic? Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among persons aged ≥65 years (older adults). The sooner they are found the better the health of the patient. In this age group once they have fallen once they are more likely to fall again, unfortunately.
This is a frequent heading or menu item on many medical alert systems guides. The reasons are numerous.
1. I don’t need it. My neighbour calls in a few times a week to chat and check on me.
2. I’m not that old yet. – but if she has fallen once she definitely needs something to remain safe.
3. It’s too heavy it gives me a headache – while this was one my Mum used the medical alert buttons are much smaller today. Perhaps is worried that she’ll be seen to be weak if people observe her wearing the medical alert device.
4. These systems are too expensive – Care Calling Now is not expensive with no equipment to ship or set up
5. I hate new technology it’s too invasive. While this may be for some monitoring systems it is not true for all.
The Better Safe than Sorry
This is true for all care medical safety devices for the elderly and the help I’ve fallen & I can’t get.
The problem with wearable devices they must be worn or they’ll be of no value to your Mum and you still won’t know if she is safe or not. You may not even know she is not wearing it until it’s too late and she has fallen
All medical alert system providers tell us that you must emphasize safety so you will get help quickly.
Then there is the peace of mind for Mum and her family which we agree is a very important part of every system. NO call with many of these systems may be creating a false sense of security.

Help I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up
A low tech solution All that’s required is a landline (not sure how long these will be around anymore) or a mobile phone which most people carry everywhere these days.
All that needs to be done is to press the button on the phone when you receive your daily call. The only call you will get from us is when your Mum doesn’t answer her phone meanwhile you can rest easy knowing Mum is OKAY.
Use your favourite search engine to see if these words are found on most of the medical alert systems “Medical Alert System Mom Won’t Wear it Now!”
All countries have ageing populations and the politicians I’ve spoken to agree that they are here to stay.
No bracelets, wristbands or other electronic devices, unsightly or not, are to be worn.
If any happens to Mom you will know within 24 hours there is a problem.
Medical Alert Devices or Apps may be a good backup to your daily call
but here are 3 Reasons Why Medical Alerts are not the complete protection you might think they are!
- if you’re not wearing it,
- can’t remember what it’s for,
- you are injured & can’t reach it….
so it may still be days till someone finds you
GET CareCallingNow’s Daily Wellness Check-in Call by Phone So You Can Be Certain Your Mum is OKAY go directly to
The short video above is for the visual people I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up
Paula Robinson wrote the article I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up
Help I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get UP – What Will I Do?