Some Major Misconceptions On Aging

Some Major Misconceptions On Aging, I Don’t Want To Be “Put” In A Home

America Has a Major Misconception On Aging

Some Major Misconceptions On Aging. “A post from is well worth reading so you can understand the how, the why, of how you most of us are going to fund our retirement. This review of our major misconceptions on aging contains information which may make you rethink your retirement thinking”


What Percentage of Americans Will Need Long-Term Care?


A Third Think They Will

Source: Long-Term Care Over an Uncertain Future (2006)

Two-Thirds Actually Will

It’s Time for a Senior Care Reality Check

Laura Mitchell

“Don’t wait until the crisis happens before putting on the seatbelt. Be proactive and enjoy the ride!”

Dr. Bill Thomas

“People who are not prepared get care that is chosen by someone else.”

Kathy Birkett

“The greatest consequence of not being fully prepared for experiencing a long term care need is becoming unable to live our elder years the way we want.”

Senior Care Includes More Than Nursing Homes

American’s Have More Options Now Than Ever Before

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some major-misconceptions-on-aging

Projected Care Choices of Those Needing Long Term Care

Source: Long-Term Care Over an Uncertain Future (2006)

But We Must Prepare

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Most Care Must Be Paid Out-of-Pocket

Over 72% of those needing long term care must use their own funds – that’s half of everyone in America. Of those that need care and have to pay for it out-of-pocket, average costs are over $25,000 (2015 dollars) over their lifetime.

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Medicare Covers Little of the Costs

Medicare is projected to only cover 12% of the nation’s long term care costs

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Few Qualify for Medicaid

Medicaid is projected to only cover 30% of the population

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Most Haven’t Had Family Discussions

Over 75% of people have not discussed care options with their family

Sources: Long-Term Care Over an Uncertain Future (2006) , National Survey by Age Wave/Harris Interactive (2010)

Some major misconceptions on aging especially America Has some  Major Misconceptions On Aging 

If you have read through this article you realize it’s still the same today. A lot of experts are working daily to improve these misconceptions. Educate their fellow Americans. This will be ongoing struggle for funding to promote their cause.

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