The Importance Of Good Food For Older People

The Importance Of Good Food For Older People can’t be under estimated. One in ten people over the age of 65 are estimated to be malnourished or at risk of malnutrition, according to The Malnutrition Trust. 

Who Can Benefit From Care Calls?

A Senior Lady looking comfortable answering her daily safety and wellness call

Any person/s Who Can Benefit From Care Calls but mainly it has been designed around our senior community. The elderly are usually much more at risk

Premature deaths report focuses on falls

Premature deaths report focuses on falls has created fresh calls for a coordinated national falls prevention strategy in light of new figures showing falls accounted for the vast majority of premature deaths in aged care.

New Survey Finds Adult Children Want Their Parents To Age At Home

New Survey Finds Adult Children Want Their Parents To Age At Home “For women of my generation, it was the ‘juggling act.’ Jobs, marriage, children, homes. And aging parents were the balls we added, tossing them in the air as our lives filled up and praying they wouldn’t come crashing down on our heads.

Fear of Falling

By Richard W. Besdine, M.D. – via Huffington Post A month ago, I almost became the subject of one of my own medical school lectures, after an episode that illustrated one of the most serious health problems facing older adults and their doctors: falling.   To prepare medical students for their older patients’ real-life challenges, I… Continue reading Fear of Falling

Neighbors to be Lifesavers for Older Adults Who Live Alone

Awesome  Article on the Value of Neighbours to Our Loved Ones Who Live Alone CareCallingNow recommends that the secondary responder or alternate contact should be a neighbour that lives close by in the event that your Loved One doesn’t respond to our daily Checkin call. The neighbour is the person who can quickly respond in… Continue reading Neighbors to be Lifesavers for Older Adults Who Live Alone

It’s Time for a Senior Care Reality Check

The following article by shows that Americans, like other Western Societies, have not planned properly for their futures as they age. It’s Time for a Senior Care Reality Check LAURA MITCHELL “Don’t wait until the crisis happens before putting on the seatbelt. Be proactive and enjoy the ride!” DR. BILL THOMAS “People who are not prepared… Continue reading It’s Time for a Senior Care Reality Check

Some Major Misconceptions On Aging

Some Major Misconceptions On Aging America Has a Major Misconception On Aging on understanding the how, the why, of how you most of us are going to fund our retirement.

Caring for someone else is not all about you

 Brian Slayton, RN | Education | January 13, 2017 “Urgent Care for a Carer” Incoming students, you need to hear this: its not all about you. Let me explain.   My first hospital rotation was on an oncology floor. I answered a patients call light by myself. She asked if we had any extra tissues, I said… Continue reading Caring for someone else is not all about you